Nine Things that Bug me. Why Nine? Well it started out as a list of three, but then I just kept on rolling so I decided to shoot for 10. But then I started losing steam at 8, and kind of stretched it into 9. Anyway, in no particular order:
1. People who say "axe" when they mean "ask"
2. People who say "excape" when they mean "escape"You know, it's one thing if you have recently immigrated to this country from somewhere like Mexico or Maine, but for some reason a lot of otherwise reasonably educated Americans seem to have problems with these words. Come on people - if my 3-year-old can prounounce it correctly, so can you.
3. People who come to a complete stop in the EZ-pass laneCome on. Instead of spending millions of surplus dollars on stupid projects like widening the great bay bridge - a bottleneck which wastes hours of drivers' time every week, the Great State of NH spent the money on an EZ-pass system (and raised the in-state toll rates by 40%, but held the out of state toll rates level) in order to save you 10 seconds at the toll both. The least you could do is take advantage of it!
4. People who ride my bumper, zoom around me, cut back in front of me - and THEN come to a complete stop in front of me. Well, you are just stupid. One of these days you are going to do this in front of a semi-truck who won't be able to stop as quickly as I can.
5. John MaddenThe third most annoying sportscaster of all time (behind Tim McCarver and Joe Morgan). If I were developing a football video game, my advertising campaign would be totally centered on a
"featuring ZERO helpful hints by John Madden" campaign. I'm sure it would sell millions.
6. Joe MorganJoe only ever makes two kinds of comments - ones that are either completely obvious, or completely wrong.
7. Tim McCarverJust like Joe Morgan, but more people make fun of him because it's he's white, and it's ok to make fun of white people.
8. Any commercial featuring Peyton Manning.Note to Sprint/Nextel. I hate your service. It costs too much, doesn't work well, and your customer service is horrible. Your only hope for keeping me as a customer is that I forget to cancel when my contract runs out. Fortunately for me, that's probably not going to happen because I have Peyton Manning in a stupid fake mustache constantly reminding me to cancel.
9. People who will respond to this post by saying "Boy, you are grouchy today". I'm not really. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. Ever notice how nothing puts you in a bad mood faster than being TOLD you are in a bad mood? It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.