Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Turducken Review

A lot of people have asked me about my Turducken and I must say I was a little disappointed. It was very tasty, especially the cajun version, but being all white meat, it was in my opinion a little too dry. I am blaming this on the fact that it was not a real one, though - so I guess I am going to have to make my own someday. And yes - it would have been better if it had been covered in Bacon.

The real star of the show that night was the Pumpkin Creme Layer Pie that I brought home from work. I have never had anything like it, and the only place I have ever seen it was at my office cafeteria. But anyway, it was amazing. If anybody has ever heard of such a thing and has a recipe for it, I would be extremely grateful.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turducken Time

Ever since I first heard about the existence of the Turducken I have been fascinated by the concept. For those of you who do not know what one is, it is in short a turkey, stuffed with a duck, which is in turn stuffed with a chicken. Inside the chicken and in between the other layers there is usually some sort of of stuffing - often made of sausage.

Despite my general aversion to eating something that starts with "Turd" it sounds delicous. Here is a picture of a "traditional" Turducken. Note the strings required to hold it all together. A Turducken is completely boneless - another added benefit.

Here is a Bacon-coverd Turducken. Need I say more? I think it is a generally accepted - if not an actual scientific fact - truth that everything tastes better when covered in bacon.

Anyway, I have been asking people to make me one for a couple of years now with no luck. Apparently it is an enormous amount of work. (like 2 - 3 days of work). Click here to see a sample Recipe. Of course, you can buy them from various places on the web, but including shipping cost you are looking at paying close to $150 for a medium sized one. It was apparent that I would never get a Turducken unless I made it myself and since I am way too lazy for that, I had resigned myself to yet another Turduckenless Holdiay season until my wife brought home a flyer from our local Grocery Store proclaiming that they had Turduckens for $4.99 a pound! I went out the next day and bought 2. One with a Cranberry-Apple stuffing, and one with a Louisiana-style stuffing.

Since our Thanksgiving Day meal is already set (Turkey, Ham and Venison), we are having a pre-thanksgiving Turducken Feast at my house tonight. Now, these are not real Turduckens - They are only about 3-4 lbs made with all breast meat instead of whole birds, but It still sounds delicious. I can't Wait! I will be sure to post a review later.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Quiet Please!

The guy across the hall from me was participating in a very long conference at top volume on his speakerphone with the door wide open - which was bad enough, but then I peeked in his office and discovered that HE WASN'T EVEN IN THERE!!!!

I bet he was in the bathroom peeing on the seat.


You've got to be kidding me!!

Ok, While driving to work this morning, I heard a radio ad for Rudy Guiliani for President. This is the earliest I can ever remember hearing an ad like this. This is getting ridiculous. It seems like everything has been non-stop politics for a very long time now. I was actually looking forward to a small lull between the recent election and the next one, but I guess I'm not going to get it. Ugh.

Come on Rudy - everybody with half a brain knows that you are running, as are John Mccain, satan, Mitt Romney and probably Ralph Nader. Can't you at least give us the Christmas season before bombarding us with Campaign ads?


Friday, November 17, 2006

feeling old

Remember thinking our parents were old because they used to use 8-track tapes and record players? The other day I had a conversation with my youngest son:

Him: Hey Dad - What's that?

Me: That's a VCR.

Him: What?


Him: Oh. What does it do?

Me: We used to use it to play movies before DVDs. It plays tapes instead of discs.

Him: Oh. That's Weird!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gimme a Break!

I am not much of a chocolate person - (I prefer to get my bad calories from cheeseburgers), but one exception I make is the Kit-Kat bar. The Kit-Kat is hands down my favorite candy bar.

So I was intrigued the other day when some friends came over and left a strange-looking one on my kitchen counter. Instead of the normal red wrapper, it had a creamy brown colored wrapper. Turns out it was one of the new "Limited Edition" Chocolate Mocha flavored Kit-Kats.

I was doubtful that anybody could improve on what I consider to be the perfect candy bar, but I was anxious to try it. Opening the wrapper, I was immediately hit with a very strong coffe smell. Not the good kind of coffe smell when you have fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, but more like the kind of smell that my car had (and still does) about a week after the McDonalds Coffee Incident

Despite the warnings my nose was giving me, I proceeded to break off a small piece and put it in my mouth. As many of you know, I will eat just about anything, so I was not to be deterred by a cofee smelling candy bar. So anyway, as I put it in my mouth, my taste buds revolted. Ugh, man - it was the most vile thing I have tasted in a very long time. I would put it right up there with the "smart dogs" Veggie Dog incident or possibly even the Cream of Mushroom SOAP incident. At any rate, like those other two incidents I was unable to even finish my bite let alone finish the candy bar. I spit it out as fast as I could. Do NOT try this candy bar.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

More Stuff that bugs me

Thought of a couple more things on the list of things that bug me. I don't want to get a reputation as a whiner, so this will be my last one for a while:

#11 Women who Whine about Men leaving the Toilet Seat up
What makes you so special anyway? Why is it so hard to put it down yourself? It's not. I'm not suggesting that men should leave it up on purpose either, but what difference does it make? Is it worth yelling at somebody over? No. If you go in, and the seat is up, just put it down and get on with your life. If you have a habit of sitting down without looking and you end up falling in (yes, I have actually been told by a woman that this is a problem for her), then that is your own dumb fault. Whenever a toilet is involved, you should really look before you do anything.

This reminds me of a friend of mine in college. When he got his first bachelor apartment, he insisted that when his girlfriend used his toilet she must put the seat back up when she was done.

The other problem with being this way is that women have inadvertently created a new breed of men which leads me to #12:

#12 Men who pee on the (toilet) seat
Almost all men have two main characteristics - they are lazy, and the don't want to be hassled by women. So if they don't want women to hassle them about the stupid toilet seat, but they are too lazy to actually pick it up and then put it back down, they just leave it down and try to "be careful". This invariably leads to accidents, and while they may clean up after themselves at home (or maybe not if there are little kids they can blame it on), if they are in a bathroom they know will only be used by other men, they will invariably leave the mess for someone else. Go into any public mens room and you will see that I am right.

sorry for all of the bathroom related posts. I blame it on gagknee


Monday, November 13, 2006

The best day of the year

Today is my favorite Day of the year. Why? Because it means for the next 9 months my wife will be older than me. I don't know why this amuses me so much, but it does.

A couple of interesting facts about Nov 13:

It is also the birthday of the World Wide Web.

One year ago today, Nathan Vasher of the Chicago Bears ran back a missed field goal 108 yeards for a touchdown, setting a record for the longest touchdown play in NFL history. This is interesting because last night, while we were CELEBRATING my wife's birthday, Devin Hester - ALSO of the Chicago Bears - DID THE EXACT SAME THING.

Happy Birthday Sweetie! I love you.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Picture Time

I was supposed to post these last week, but my home computer is such an adware-infested piece of crap that I just didn't have the energy to deal with it. Sorry about that.

Collen and I with Mom dressed up for Halloween, circa 1979.

There is some controversy on the date of this picture. Mom originally thought it was also circa 1979 with Colleen in the clown suit. I'm not so sure. Based on the car in the background I would say it has to be at LEAST 1981, if not later. Plus the face is definitely not the same as the above picture, so it is either an older colleen or somebody else. The sneer she is expressing is definitely colleen-like, though.

Oh yeah, this was the whole reason for bringing the subject up. My Niece Charity wearing the exact same costume some 25+ years later.

click here for more pictures of the Neices and Nephews


Monday, November 06, 2006


Just thought of #10 for my list of things that bug me. Why not just edit the original post? because I don't feel like it.

10. Conservatives who are going to blow off this election because they feel let down by the Republican Party

Trust me, I know how you feel. I am also very upset at the Republican party - so much so that I no longer tell people I am republican. I tell them I am an independant conservative, but I digress. I don't know what your reasons are, and I don't really care. But thanks to your apathy, we are facing the very real possibility that Nancy Pelosi will become Speaker of the House. This woman is too liberal even for most Democrats. For her to become the speaker of the house would be a disaster - not just to conservative causes, but to the entire country.


Things that Bug Me

Nine Things that Bug me. Why Nine? Well it started out as a list of three, but then I just kept on rolling so I decided to shoot for 10. But then I started losing steam at 8, and kind of stretched it into 9. Anyway, in no particular order:

1. People who say "axe" when they mean "ask"

2. People who say "excape" when they mean "escape"

You know, it's one thing if you have recently immigrated to this country from somewhere like Mexico or Maine, but for some reason a lot of otherwise reasonably educated Americans seem to have problems with these words. Come on people - if my 3-year-old can prounounce it correctly, so can you.

3. People who come to a complete stop in the EZ-pass lane

Come on. Instead of spending millions of surplus dollars on stupid projects like widening the great bay bridge - a bottleneck which wastes hours of drivers' time every week, the Great State of NH spent the money on an EZ-pass system (and raised the in-state toll rates by 40%, but held the out of state toll rates level) in order to save you 10 seconds at the toll both. The least you could do is take advantage of it!

4. People who ride my bumper, zoom around me, cut back in front of me - and THEN come to a complete stop in front of me.

Well, you are just stupid. One of these days you are going to do this in front of a semi-truck who won't be able to stop as quickly as I can.

5. John Madden

The third most annoying sportscaster of all time (behind Tim McCarver and Joe Morgan). If I were developing a football video game, my advertising campaign would be totally centered on a "featuring ZERO helpful hints by John Madden" campaign. I'm sure it would sell millions.

6. Joe Morgan

Joe only ever makes two kinds of comments - ones that are either completely obvious, or completely wrong.

7. Tim McCarver

Just like Joe Morgan, but more people make fun of him because it's he's white, and it's ok to make fun of white people.

8. Any commercial featuring Peyton Manning.

Note to Sprint/Nextel. I hate your service. It costs too much, doesn't work well, and your customer service is horrible. Your only hope for keeping me as a customer is that I forget to cancel when my contract runs out. Fortunately for me, that's probably not going to happen because I have Peyton Manning in a stupid fake mustache constantly reminding me to cancel.

9. People who will respond to this post by saying "Boy, you are grouchy today".

I'm not really. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. Ever notice how nothing puts you in a bad mood faster than being TOLD you are in a bad mood? It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
