More Stuff that bugs me
Thought of a couple more things on the list of things that bug me. I don't want to get a reputation as a whiner, so this will be my last one for a while:
#11 Women who Whine about Men leaving the Toilet Seat up
What makes you so special anyway? Why is it so hard to put it down yourself? It's not. I'm not suggesting that men should leave it up on purpose either, but what difference does it make? Is it worth yelling at somebody over? No. If you go in, and the seat is up, just put it down and get on with your life. If you have a habit of sitting down without looking and you end up falling in (yes, I have actually been told by a woman that this is a problem for her), then that is your own dumb fault. Whenever a toilet is involved, you should really look before you do anything.
This reminds me of a friend of mine in college. When he got his first bachelor apartment, he insisted that when his girlfriend used his toilet she must put the seat back up when she was done.
The other problem with being this way is that women have inadvertently created a new breed of men which leads me to #12:
#12 Men who pee on the (toilet) seat
Almost all men have two main characteristics - they are lazy, and the don't want to be hassled by women. So if they don't want women to hassle them about the stupid toilet seat, but they are too lazy to actually pick it up and then put it back down, they just leave it down and try to "be careful". This invariably leads to accidents, and while they may clean up after themselves at home (or maybe not if there are little kids they can blame it on), if they are in a bathroom they know will only be used by other men, they will invariably leave the mess for someone else. Go into any public mens room and you will see that I am right.
sorry for all of the bathroom related posts. I blame it on gagknee
ok, i see the point. however, when you come around the corner and see your toddler playing boats in the toilet, wouldn't you remind the men of the family to please put the seat down???
It doesn't matter whether you put the seat down or not. That's what kids do - They poop on the floor and play in the toilet. And we are talking about the SEAT, not the LID.
Furthermore, I am not debating the merits of putting the seat an/or lid down - I am only debating the merits of making a big deal out of it.
i actually have some more bathroom posts to make but i've been holding back for fear of being typecast as a "bathroom humor guy"
i actually have some more bathroom posts to make but i've been holding back for fear of being typecast as a "bathroom humor guy"
i actually have some more bathroom posts to make but i've been holding back for fear of being typecast as a "bathroom humor guy"
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