Tuesday, April 03, 2007


spoiler alert: I'm going to talk about 24, so if you don't want to know what happens, you may not want to read on.

The disclaimer is probably unneccesary because NOTHING happened. Of all 5 seasons, this was the most boring episode yet. I realize that you can't have a nuclear bomb going off every episode, but come on - a full episode of Cabinet meetings? Ugh. I was really looking forward to watching my favorite show in HD for the first time ever, and what happens? I fell asleep it was so boring. And not only was it boring, but the parts I DID stay awake for didn't make sense. The whole vice-president/president-palmer storyline just doesn't make sense.

Note to FOX: You have been advertising this season as the "nonstop" season of 24, but if the filming schedule for a "nonstop" season is so grueling that you can't be bothered to make a good episode more often than every 3rd week or so, it's no good. I would rather have a week or two off any day instead of this crap.

Also, I can't in good conscience call it the "Jack Bauer Show" anymore, because Jack was barely even in that episode. So until Jack starts doing some more stuff, I will revert to calling it 24. Or I might start calling it the Ricky Schroeder show.


At 6:41 PM, Blogger gagknee said...

we are in complete agreement about the vp and p thing.


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