Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Skippy Car #7

I always thought that I enjoyed car shopping - and I still do, as long as I don't NEED a car. However, when you absolutely have to have a new car by a certain date, it can be stressful. I Don't believe in walking into a dealer and signing the papers right away - at least not anymore. I always go home and think about it for at least 24 hours. Making quick decisions is the best way to do something you regret later. So I picked out a car I wanted, and went home to think about it. On my way to work the next day I found another car that I liked as well - but I ultimately decided the first car was the one for me. When i went back for the first car, it was gone. So I went back to the second car and it was gone too! Anyway, I finally did get a new skippy car. It's probably too nice to be called a skippy car, but I'm sure I'll be able to junk it up pretty fast:

It's an 04 VW Passat AWD.

Another picture with the camera on "night mode" apparently the shutter was open a little longer than I expected, but I thought it looked cool.

And yes, this is the 7th skippy car. The entire skippy car saga is a pretty good, but very long story I have to save for later.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger Rob said...

The skippy car is dead... long live the skippy car.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Heather said...

It's been over a month - don't you think it's time to update?

At 5:45 PM, Blogger gagknee said...

we're still waiting for a review of your TV. slacker.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger L-DUB said...

How about some Skippy Car #7 updates. I heard it left you on the highway last night.

Bad Skippy!!!


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