If you ever wonder why I choose to Home-school my kids....
Listen to THIS lecture by a Colorado 10th grade geography teacher.
I know it's hard to believe that a guy who looks like this is a radical left-wing hippie intent on indoctrinating children with his own philosophy.
If you don't want to listen to the whole thing, here are some interesting quotes (taken out of context of course, to promote my OWN radical right-wing fascist agend) . I won't bother to refute any of them. The sheer ridiculousness of most of them should be obvious......
"Do we really want to kill Innocent People? I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. I know that there are some Americans who DO ...... Sometimes you DO want to kill people just for the sake of killing them"
"Capitalism... is at odds with Humanity - at odds with caring and compassion. It's at odds with Human Rights."
"Who is probably the single most violent Nation on Planet Earth? The United States"
(on George Bush's state of the Union Address) "He's THREATENING the whole Planet... sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler used to say"
"The modern state of Isreal was MADE through violence and Terrorism"
At the end he says:
"I'm not in anyway implying that you should agree with me, I don't even know if I'm necessarily taking a position. But what I'm trying to get you to do is to think about these issues more in depth and not to just take things from the surface."
Oh, well that makes it ok then. How silly of me to think that you were trying to force your opinions on 15 year old kids. By the way, what does any of this have to do with Geography?
Technically, I think it is your wife that home schools the kids. You leave for the quiet refuge of work... except for the days you "work" from home in your underwear.
Spoken like a true man with no children.
While it is true that my wife does do almost all of the home-schooling, I do not consider my job a quiet refuge. I consider it a necessary evil that takes me away from my family way too much. I would love to stay at home with them every day - or at least almost every day.
I DO enjoy working in my underwear though.
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