Friday, April 21, 2006

Diet Log: Week 6, Day 5

Today has been a really bad, awful, terrible, no good day - so far. For the second day in a row , I missed my workout. This time it was intentional, though. The hot water heater leak has gotten worse, so I had to drain it yesterday. That meant there was no hot water available for showers this morning so I decided the best plan would be to skip the shower AND the workout. (I had a shower yesterday afternoon right before I drained it, so it's not QUITE as gross as it seems) The hard-boiled egss are all gone, so I decided to leave without eating breakfast. My car is in the shop for repairs, so I had to borrow my parent's car. Of course, I left my EZ-PASS transponder in MY car, so I realized for the first time in months I had to come up with some change for the tolls. All I had in my wallet was a 20, which I COULD have used, but the car was also nearly out of gas, so I figured I would get gas, grab an egg-based sandwich at the burger king across the street, and get some change for the tolls all at the same time. So I got my breakfast sandwich - I decided to try their new "french toast" sausage egg sandwich, took a bite and decided that it was really not a very good sandwich. At $4.37 for the meal, it was not a very good value, that's for sure. The bread they use to make their "french toast" just tasted weird. It also tasted a little bit burnt to me. So anyway, I get back on the highway and cruise on down to the dover tolls, only to discover that I did NOT have any change still. I HAD DRIVEN OFF AT THE BURGER KING DRIVE THROUGH WITHOUT MY CHANGE. So I had to loop back around, PAY the toll AGAIN, go back to Burger King, get my change, get BACK on the highway, and go back through the toll and pay it ONE MORE TIME. Just not a good way to start out the day.

Workout: None

Weigh-in: No shower, so once again I didn't do it. I DID do an informal weigh-in yesterday afternoon, and I was still holding at -17, so that's not too bad. It's hard to compare because it was at a different time of day than normal after I had eaten breakfast AND lunch.

Breakfast: French Toast Egg Sausage Sandwich from Burger king - complete with Hash Browns. I wasn't going to eat the Hash browns, but after paying nearly $9 ($4.37 for the meal + $1 for the extra 2 tolls + $3 for the gallon of gas I burned going back for my change) for the stupid meal and not even LIKING the sandwich I was determined to get my Money's worth. Calories: 640 - not actually that bad, considering.

Total Calories for the day: 640


At 4:44 PM, Blogger justhavinfun said...

Sorry to hear that your day hasn't been going too well. If it makes you feel any better, I've had a pretty crappy week too. I jumped in our brand new Dodge 1500 truck and backed right into the metal pole that holds our basketball hoop! Bummer!! I tried to tell my husband it was just a little tiny dent, but upon his inspection, he said "Wow! You must have been going pretty fast!" The neighbor came over tonight and asked me if I was trying to play basketball with the truck. I asked if he saw me do it. He said no, his daughter saw me and she said I was going pretty fast when I hit it. By the end of the weekend, the whole street should know. That's just one little highlight of my week, I could go on and on, but I won't bore you with the details. Hope your weekend is less eventful than the week was :)

At 8:15 AM, Blogger skape7 said...

Maybe you shoulda just driven straight home and gone back to bed.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger mike gagne said...

softball practice tomorrow at 2.

at brock st.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Big A said...

are you serious? Don't you think a little mor notice would be nice? Besides, it's pouring out. But it's not as wet outside yet as it is in my basement.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger mike gagne said...

sorry, it has been scheduled for about a week, but i forgot to tell you because i was gone all week.

and it only started raining towards the end of the practice.

we will probably practice again next week at 230 at brock st.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Heather said...

I'm disappointed, Arik. There's no new post yet!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Big A said...

did you refresh your browser?


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