Friday, January 20, 2006

My Cell Phone Hates me

I think my Cell Phone hates me. We've only been together for a little over a year and it keeps trying to leave me. Tonight when we were at Pizza hut it apparently decided it didn't want to come home with me and stayed behind, sitting on the Salad Bar. I'm not sure if it was really trying to leave, or simply trying to piss me off - knowing that I would drive all the way home and then have to go back and get it. This is not the first time this has happened - and when it's not trying to leave me, it's always trying to hide from me - under the car seat, between the couch cushions, etc..

Last Friday it apparently decided to commit suicide when it jumped out of my sweatshirt pocket into the Urinal at work- AFTER I had finished, um, well - you know. THAT was a mess. Fortunately, Big A's world is not a constitutional republic with things like a supreme court that decides everyone has a constitutional right to die. This is a dictatorship where things are permitted to die only on MY terms. So I fished it out, cleaned it up as best I could, and nursed it back to health.

I don't really understand what brought this on - I thought we were happy together. Oh, sure - sometimes late at night after it was sitting on the charger getting it's rest for the busy day tomorrow - I might have surfed the web and looked at pictures of other phones - some of them may have been prettier, or a little skinnier, or maybe willing to do "extra" things that mine wouldn't for a nominal fee - but surely it knows I was just looking, right? There's no harm in that - I mean it's not like I am cruising the streets looking for payphones or anything like that.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger gagknee said...

hahaha...dude. that last paragraph... you funny. me laugh.


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